Donations are appreciated!!

Our aim for Gator Saver Day is to make this event nearly free to the community, but in order to do so, we need your help.  Please look over our proposal and feel free to donate if possible.  Please make checks payable to Gator Saver.  The deadline for donations is April 6, 2009. 

There will be different levels of donations: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Company names will appear on the event shirts as well as the level of donation given. 
Bronze: up to $250
Silver: up to $500
Gold: up to $750
Platinum: $1,500+




Make checks payable to: University of Florida
Please mail to:
University of Florida
College of Medicine
CPR Office, Attn: Victor Martinez
P.O. Box 112022
Gainesville, FL 32611