Gator Saver Day


Approximately 335,000 Americans die annually of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac arrest – before reaching the hospital.  Cardiac arrest strikes people of all ages and levels of fitness, usually without warning.  Many of these lives could be saved by training community members in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).  With your support we hope to continue the Gator Saver event during April 2009 and train approximately 200 Gainesville residents in CPR.  Last year our center trained 90 Gainesville residents at this event, were hoping to double that this year.

CPR buys precious time for cardiac arrest victims until trained emergency workers can arrive.  Nationally, the average cardiac arrest survival rate is estimated to be only 6 percent.  Together we can make a difference and help save lives by offering community members an opportunity to learn the life-saving skills of CPR during our Gator Saver event.  In addition to the event, the participants will be able to take home their American Heart Association’s CPR Anytime for Family and Friends training kit and train their loved ones as well.

Since most (70-80%) cardiac arrests occur outside the hospital, it is critical that we provide our community members with options for learning CPR skills.  Until now, it has been difficult to reach all members of a community with a CPR program that meets their needs. 

The CPR Anytime program takes 22 minutes, and each kit includes a personal Mini Anne CPR Manikin, CPR Anytime Skills Practice DVD, an AHA CPR for Family and Friends booklet, accessories for the program, and Directions for Use – printed on the box.  There are also light skinned, dark skinned, and medium skin toned manikins so the product is culturally friendly.


Gator Saver Day is to train 300 community members in CPR

-Significantly increase the number of Gainesville, FL community members trained in CPR
-Reduce disability and death from cardiac arrest

In addition, participants will learn to recognize the signs of a cardiac emergency, and know when to phone 911 as well as what information to provide to the operator.

Event Details
Gator Saver Day will be held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at Kanapaha Middle School in the cafeteria.

We will have three training sessions to choose from:

Session I from 10:00am-11:00am

Session II from 11:00am-12:00pm

Session III from 12:00pm-1:00pm

The course that will be taught is the American Heart Association's Adult/Child Family and Friends CPR course

Each participant will receive a participation card, CPR Anytime kit, and a T-shirt at the end of each training session.  Pre-registration is preferred but walk-ins will be welcomed on a space available basis. There will a limited supply of shirts available so participants that pre-register will have first choice and then they will be on a first come first serve basis. 

To provide participants with the materials necessary for a successful training session, a minimum donation of $10.00 is required from each participant.  Please pre-register via phone, mail, in person, or this website and make checks payable to University of Florida. 

Mail to:
University of Florida
College of Medicine
CPR Office; Attn: Victor Martinez
P.O. Box 112022
Gainesville, FL 32611

Register Now